Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Proof That Chivalry Still Exists

A scenario that is often asked is if you found a bag of money on the street; what would you do? Most of us would like to believe that we would return it, but i'm sure a handful would pocket the money. John Kavanaugh of West Chester, who is homeless, was faced with this exact choice.

[Image Source]
The envelope contained $1,440 cash, belonging to Pottstown attorney Robert Stauffer. While walking from his car into the Chester County Recorder of Deeds, the money fell through Stauffer's hole in his coat, as well as his overcoat. The homeless Kavanaugh stepped on the snow covered envelope and didn't hesitate to turn it into police. Stauffer thought it might have been turned in to the address on the envelope, until he was relived to get a call from the police. The two men plan on meeting so Stauffer can give a reward for the humanity Kavanaugh has displayed.

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