Monday, March 28, 2011

Website Lets Citizens Follow the Growth of Philly

[Image Source]
A view from the Comcast Center as it was under construction
PlanPhilly is a website that lets Philadelphian's in on the future of the city. Run by PennPraxis of the University of Pennsylvania, PlanPhilly is a independent news source that has on staff former Inquirer writers and editors as well as citizen journalists. Originally developed in 2006 to cover the Delaware Riverfront project, the site is now updated daily with news and events from around the city. You can even maneuver around the site according to your neighborhood and various issues. PlanPhilly is a great way for Philadelphians to get educated and participate in important matters pertaining to the city.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Hello Twitter!

Good News Philly is the 269,834,799'th member of Twitter. So far it is a little strange only being able to type messages in 140 characters or less. Basically I will be posting updates on stories I am doing or planning, events in the city, pictures, and basically anything that stays true to good news and/or Philadelphia.

To follow just look to your right and click the logo...

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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Curbside Eatery's Provide Great Food With a Side of Character

Scattered all around the city are lunch trucks of all different shapes, sizes, and colors. Most of whom offer up some of the cities most exquisite eats. Philadelphia has a number of outstanding restaurants, but these four wheeled eateries show the true personality of the city. Most do not move from their street side homes and are outfitted with generators.

One of the many lunch trucks on the campus of Temple

While I will not be taking a first date to a lunch truck, many offer a menu that will not be found anywhere else. Numerous trucks have the standard cheesesteaks and soft pretzels. However, if you examine further you will find some rare bites. For example, on Temple University's campus is The Creperie. The crowd in front of the red, white, and blue (or I should say blue, white, and red) truck is staggering, but so I here is well worth the wait.

If you work or attend school in the city, give some different trucks a try. They are quick, cheap, and not your usual meal. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Proof That Chivalry Still Exists

A scenario that is often asked is if you found a bag of money on the street; what would you do? Most of us would like to believe that we would return it, but i'm sure a handful would pocket the money. John Kavanaugh of West Chester, who is homeless, was faced with this exact choice.

[Image Source]
The envelope contained $1,440 cash, belonging to Pottstown attorney Robert Stauffer. While walking from his car into the Chester County Recorder of Deeds, the money fell through Stauffer's hole in his coat, as well as his overcoat. The homeless Kavanaugh stepped on the snow covered envelope and didn't hesitate to turn it into police. Stauffer thought it might have been turned in to the address on the envelope, until he was relived to get a call from the police. The two men plan on meeting so Stauffer can give a reward for the humanity Kavanaugh has displayed.